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Why I Didn’t Receive OTP Code?

Here are our tips to deal with OTP, so it is clear now!

OTP Code or One-Time Password is a common verification method to verify your activities through a phone number. OTP consists of 6-digit numbers that are unique and confidential. At your first login or while doing transaction you will need OTP if you have not set up your PIN yet, here are our tips to enter OTP successfully:

  1. Please make sure you registered the right number to our Apps, it is the number that you are using on your phone
    1. Notion image
  1. If you’re sure the number is still active but still don’t receive the OTP, you could request the verification code with a button called "Contact Us to Get OTP”
  1. Please note that the OTP expires after 4 minutes and you can only resent the OTP twice before your account gets locked and you have to wait 24 hours before attempting another login

You’ve followed our tips but still doesn’t receive the OTP? Worry not! Our Chatbot will come to the rescue! Here’s how:

  1. On the verification code page, click the “Contact Us to Get OTP” button
  1. You will get directed to a WhatsApp chat with our Chatbot with a prefilled message
  1. Send the message to request the OTP
  1. Voila! Our Chatbot will automatically share the OTP with you
    1. Notion image

If you happen to get your account/device locked due to incorrect OTP or PIN, our Chatbot will also be able to help you! Follow these easy steps:

  1. After your account/device locked, there will be a button called “Request to Unlock”
  1. After you click on it, you’ll get directed to send a message to our Chatbot
  1. And that’s it! After you send the prefilled message, our Chatbot will do the rest
    1. Notion image
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