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Tada Feature Releases and Improvements June 2024

Improved Smart Campaigns, MAU Deductions, and More!

Hey there, Friend

Greetings from our team! This month, we are thrilled to introduce game-changing improvements and updates that will redefine your loyalty program experience.

Be sure to save the date for Wednesday, June 5th, 2024, as that's when these exciting improvements will be released. Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect:

Improved Notification Reports for Smart Campaigns

Filter on notification

We know that reconciling Smart Campaigns has been a cumbersome process for many brands as they couldn't filter reports for each Smart Campaign type. Additionally, the Smart Campaign count on the Campaign History page was combined, making it difficult to get a clear breakdown.

But now we’ve implemented a filter for each type of Smart Campaign. This means you can easily see the breakdown of each Smart Campaign on the Campaign History page, making your reports more precise and manageable.

Smart Campaign on Campaign History

Faster Reconciliation with Automated MAU  / Transaction Fee

Deduction in Deposit Balance

Previously, the Monthly Active User (MAU) / transaction fee was deducted after reconciliation was complete. This sometimes led to situations where the deposit amount wasn't enough to cover the minimum MAU cost.

To prevent this, we've now automated the MAU deduction to happen at the beginning of the billing cycle based on the minimum MAU price. The total deduction will be clearly visible in your deposit history transactions.

This way, you can reconcile with greater ease and avoid any unexpected discrepancies in your account balance.

Enhanced Search Functionality for Dine In & Delivery Categories

Before, you couldn't search for specific categories within the Dine In & Delivery menu. This made it challenging to quickly find and select the desired items.

Now, you can easily search through the categories created in the Dine In & Delivery menu. This enhancement allows for a faster and more efficient way to locate specific categories, streamlining the process and improving your overall experience.

By enabling search functionality, we're making it easier for you to navigate and manage your categories, saving you valuable time and effort.

New Question Options for Campaign Survey

Back then, we offered only four types of questions for surveys; Text, Radio Button, Upload Image, and Checkbox to choose from. Now, we've expanded that selection to 14 different question types to better suit your needs.

These include Short Text, Long Text, Radio Button, Email, Phone Number, Date Picker, Dropdown, Checkbox, File Upload, Rating, Tag Location, Time Picker, Upload Image, and Take Photo.

This enhancement allows you to create more engaging and interactive surveys. It also provides the option for members to only take real-time photos instead of uploading old ones, making the survey responses more accurate and relevant.

Thank you for embarking on this journey of continuous improvement with us! We're genuinely excited about these latest updates, and we hope you are too. If you have any queries or require support, feel free to contact us directly or get in touch with your Client Success team for additional assistance.

Best Regards,

Tada Product Team

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