Hi Friends,
Here is an update of Tada’s new feature releases and improvements. These features will be released on Wednesday, 5th October 2022.
1. New Redemption Criteria to Encourage Your Member to Collect Certain Amount of Points Before They Can Redeem
Now you can set up minimum points that your member needs to earn before they can redeem their points. This feature will allow you to encourage your members to earn & collect more as they can only use their points after they reach a certain amount of points. Moreover, you can ensure that you only give rewards to active members.

2. New Look for Multiple e-Voucher Link
Previously, we displayed the expiry date on each voucher, which was redundant because all vouchers have the same expiry date. So now we move it to the top so it's easier to spot and not redundant anymore! We are also adding a new display type so that customers can choose to view the vouchers in the existing scroll-down page or in carousel view.

3. QR Scan Report Improvement to Show the Unique Code in Bill Number
For those who use our Scan to Earn feature, when a customer scans the QR code which generates points to balance or wallet, the Bill Number on the transaction report is shown as the SKU set on the QR Code Program. Now, we will change the Bill Number to the QR’s unique code so you can trace back the transaction to the unique code.

4. Search Order Number for Dine-in and Delivery Orders
We have made improvements for you who use our dine-in and delivery programs! Previously, you could not search for a specific order. Now, we have added a search box so you can do so by entering the order number in the search box and you will find the order with the inputted number.

5. Set Time Availability for Your Dine-in and Delivery Menu
Now there’s an additional function for setting up your dine-in and delivery menu! You can set the menu to only be available during a certain period of time. Simply turn on the "limit fulfillment period" toggle while creating or editing a menu and set the time period. Your customers can still order this menu, but they will be asked to choose the Delivery Later method during the fulfillment period that you have set.
Brand side setting up the fulfillment period using Dashboard

User side ordering the menu with fulfillment period

6. Special Character for WhatsApp Message Template
Previously we had some limited characters when submitting WhatsApp message templates such as @ # $ % ^ & ', etc. But don't worry, now we have handled it so that users can use all the special characters for the WhatsApp template submission.
7. Remove and Simplify Notifications (Push Notif, Email, SMS) to Members
We realized that receiving too many notifications can be bothersome for members. Therefore we have removed several automatic notifications and are focusing on simplifying some notifications to make sure members only receive the important ones. You can check the list of removed automated notifications here
8. Email Address Validation for Registration and Member's Migration
Now we have added validation for email addresses during registration process and for member's migration data. So if the inputted email address is invalid, it will be removed and the member has to re-input their email address when they want to access their membership card.
9. Performance Improvement for e-Wallet & Phone Credit (Pulsa) Redemption (Indonesia Only)
We hear you! We have made an improvement for the e-Wallet and phone credit (pulsa) redemption so the success rate will be higher and your members will be happier!
Thank you for your continuous support and trust in us. Please reach out to us should you require further information or concerns.
Best Regards,
Tada Product Team