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All About Component Fees in Redemption, Shop, and VF

Processing fee? Handling fee? Convenience fee? Who’s paying for them? Well, your choice!

When your members place an order or redeem their hard-earned points – whether by selling points, using them for QRIS transactions, or exchanging their points with some items – additional component fees like tax and processing fees might come into play. But here's the exciting part: did you know you have the power to decide who bears these fees – you or your customers? It was no piece of cake, but we made it happen! Our mission is simple – to empower you with full control over your brand's strategy when it comes to fee absorption. Fancy charging tax to customers while your company covers the processing fee? Easy peasy! Or maybe you have a different combo in mind – no worries, we've got you covered! Embrace the flexibility and leave the rest to us, because your brand, your rules!

Now you know you don't have to bear all the additional component fees yourselves! But hang on, we know you don't want customers hitting the cancel button over fee confusion 🙅🏻‍♀️ That's why we've got a nifty trick up our sleeves 🤭 Say hello to our "grouping fee" feature! Now you can request to group all the applied fees into one component and give it a name of your choice – talk about streamlined simplicity! Let the "service fee" or "platform fee" handle all the calculations for you, from handling fees to admin fees, processing fees, and convenience fees – you name it, we've got it! With this game-changing feature, fee management has never been easier. So go ahead, take control and delight your customers with seamless transactions!

Here are all the component fees you might encounter:

Fee Type
Applicable For
Can be Charged to Brand or Customer?
Can be Grouped?
Shop, Redemption, Scan QRIS, Sell Point
Processing Fee
Shop, Redemption, VF** Scan QRIS
Handling Fee
Shop, Redemption, VF
Shipping Fee
Shop, Redemption, VF
Insurance Fee
Shop, Redemption, VF
Convenience Fee
Shop, Redemption, VF
Admin Fee
Shop, Redemption, VF
Admin Fee
No, can only be charged to Customer
Buyback Fee
Sell Point

*Grouping fee is not available in Sell Point and Scan QRIS

** Processing fee in Shop, Redemption, and VF only applicable if the item is using Tada’s catalog


Customer display if the tax and processing fee is set to be absorbed by customer

Notion image

Customer display with and without grouping fee

Notion image
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