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How to Redeem Mobile Postpaid Payment?

Redeem your point to pay your mobile postpaid!

Now Members are able to redeem points and rewards to pay for postpaid mobile phone billing in a few clicks. New redemption option is available and can be added to your program, ask our client representative team now. Here are the easy way to redeem it:

  1. Open your membership card and then go to “Redeem” menu
  1. Open the “Pulsa Pascabayar” segment
  1. Choose your own provider, in this case we use telkomsel as our example. Press the “Redeem” button
  1. Input your phone number and press “Check Bill” to check your outstanding bill
  1. If you have outstanding bill it will appear including the detail informations about your bill, then press “Continue To Payment” to proceed the redemption
  1. Choose the payment method, you can use your point / balance or mix it with other payment as well
  1. Congrats! you’ve successfully completed the redemption process.
  1. You can check the redemption status by clicking “See Transaction Detail” or you can check it in History menu.
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