- Make sure you have received the e-Voucher link on your app/SMS/registered email.
- Click on the e-Voucher link on your app/SMS/registered email.
- Enter your 6-digit PIN if prompted.
- On the e-Voucher page, you can see the Terms & Conditions and validity period of the e-Voucher.
- Choose “Click to Use” to show the e-Voucher code that will be used/shown to the cashier/store. Make sure that this action is only completed when you have reached the cashier or are about to use the e-Voucher according to the Terms & Conditions, except for eCommerce e-Vouchers like Tokopedia, Blibli, Grab, etc. We are not responsible if the action is not conducted without the cashier as a witness.
- e-Voucher code can directly be shown to the cashier/store and be used to deduct from total purchases except for eCommerce e-Vouchers that must be input manually in the column provided by the eCommerce app/website.

Here is the e-Voucher instructions for in-store redemption

And here is the e-Voucher instruction for online redemption