We have another voucher option for our users, it's the MAP point! You can exchange this voucher for MAP Club points! Now our user can give their member rewards in form of MAP points. Members can redeem this voucher and in a maximum of 2 days, MAP points will be added to members’ accounts. Redeem this voucher as the following step:
- Member will get an SMS/Email containing the redemption link and PIN inside and simply press the given link!

- Enter the 6 digits PIN received in the SMS/Email
- E-Voucher will be shown and you can redeem it directly by pressing the “Tukarkan”/”Redeem” button
- Insert the number and make sure the number registered as a member of MAP Club Point
- Press “Yes”/”Ya” to confirm the MAP point top-up
- You have successfully redeemed the e-Voucher, check your MAP Club Point in a maximum of 2 days. The point will automatically be added.