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Send E-Voucher Through Dashboard

Sending E-Voucher to customer is as simple as few clicks!

It is super easy now to Send E-Voucher to your member, it could be done just in a few clicks! You can send several e-vouchers as well, but in this section we will show you how to send specific e-voucher. Just follow these following steps, also we attach video of our expert explaining this dashboard feature, please find it below:

  1. Open our Powerful Tada Dashboard!
  1. Go to “E-Voucher” segment and go to “Send Specific E-Voucher” sub-segment
  1. Select the E-Voucher that you want to send
  1. Fill the information needed, channel that you want to use, the message, use the tag available for better customization and everything
  1. Click “Continue” and “Send Now”! It will be sent directly to customer.

Here we also attach a video of our expert explaining this dashboard feature in detail, so you are able to see the real implementation, please find it below.

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