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Send Many Vouchers In One Click

Bored with manual process one by one? We can help you to send several vouchers in few clicks!

Sending several vouchers in one click is now possible, this new feature allows you to send several vouchers to specific/few customer(s) in ONE PROCESS. This could save more time and several manual processes in terms of sending vouchers compared to before when they need to be sent one by one.

It is as easy as the following steps:

  1. Open Dashboard
  1. Go to e-Voucher, then Choose “Send Various e-Voucher”
  1. Fill in all of the information needed and pick the platform to send the e-Voucher via SMS, E-Mail, or Whatsapp
  1. Download the excel template
  1. Fill in the customer contact in the excel template and the vouchers that are going to be sent, put it in the template
  1. Upload back the downloaded Excel File Template
  1. Then press “Continue” to complete the process.
    1. Notion image
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