Not all brands can interact directly with their end customers, some brands distribute their products through intermediaries (distributors/outlets/retail).
Therefore, snap receipt can be one way to know your end-customer and give a rewards to the them. Minimize human error and speed up manual validation by using OCR technology.
Why do you need OCR Technology?
Manual validation it may takes time and create bad user experience
Brands that have a large number of customer and transaction will cause brands to validate the receipt one by one. It will reduce productivity for things that can be simplified.
Eliminate human errors
The number of customers who upload receipts can cause the admin to read the receipt incorrectly. This causes the client giving the wrong reward to the customer. For this reason, our OCR is here to reduce the human error.
Customer Journey
- Customer purchase brand’s item through retail outlets / others
- Customer open your app / web and click “Snap Receipt / Upload Receipt”
- Customer snap the receipt
- Submit

Brand Journey
- Brand validate the receipt through Tada dashboard
- Brand approve / reject the receipt
- Customer receive the rewards based on the item purchased in the receipt if the brand approve it.