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Privileges Engagement Features: Survey

Here you can find our Frequent Questions from Customers!

We improved our question type in our privileges features and now you are able to set some questions into optional as well. Previously, the question types in our privileges are only radio buttons, free text, and checkbox questions. Now, we have a lot more for you to customize your question, we have:

  • Short text
  • Long text
  • Number only
  • Radio button (Choose 1 answer)
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Date picker (20 Jul 2022)
  • Dropdown Options
  • Checkbox (Choose >= 1 answer)
  • File upload (JPG, PNG, File (.pdf, etc), Take Photo)
  • Upload image (Take Photo, Upload Gallery)
  • Rating
  • Tag location
  • Time picker (11:00)
  • Date Time Picker (20 Jul 2022 11:00)
  • Take a photo (Take photo only)

You can also set whether the question is mandatory/optional. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your favorite membership card
  1. Scroll down to the Privileges segment
  1. Choose the survey and press continue to do the survey
  1. Fill out the survey, the starred one is mandatory to answer, while the question without a star is optional.
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Take a look at how the submission would look on the Dashboard from the Brand’s side

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