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Set Amount of Member Points as Criteria for Redemption

New redemption criteria alert! Want to know how you can encourage your members to collect more points? You’ve come to the right place!

Now you can set up minimum points that your member needs to earn before they can redeem their points. This feature will allow you to encourage your member to earn & collect more as they can only use their points when they reached a certain amount of points. Moreover, you can ensure that you only give rewards to active members. If you want to enable this in your program, you can contact your Client Representative, and we will set it up for you!


This is what it looks like from Member’s side when the redemption criteria is enabled. In this scenario, the minimum point is 2.000 pts but Member only has 1.289 pts. Hence why all the items in the redemption catalog are not redeemable even though technically Member can afford them since the items cost 100 pts and Member has enough points. But because the redemption criteria was set to 2.000 pts, Member won’t be able to redeem their points until they collect that amount.

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