Now it is super easy to check your member, make top-up, or redeem points! You can search your member’s account by using their email from Tada Partner by using email as a primary member’s account for your program. However, this is applicable for the new program created. Previously, Tada Partner can only search members using their phone number, but now we are able to show an email field as well instead of phone number. It is now easier for your cashier to search for a specific member! Just follow these following steps to do this:
- Open your Tada Partner Apps
- To search for specific member, Press “Add/Tambah” and put the user email then click “Find Card/Cari Kartu”. Member card will be shown and you can check or even do top-up
- To redeem for specific member, Press “Redeem” and put the user email then click “Find Card/Cari Kartu”. Member will receive OTP, ask and put it in the Tada Partner App to finish the redemption process