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How To Sell Brand Products and Earn Rewards!

Recommend a product to your friend, the buyer will get the discount, and you will get the reward for every purchase from your shared link!

This feature at Tada App is really interesting! You can help your favorite brand to sell their product, get reward, and discount for your friend, it allow brand and member to collaborate and create win-win solution for all! Just as easy as these following steps:

  1. Open your favorite brand membership card
  1. Choose the “Sell Item” menu
  1. Share the link for the product you want to recommend to your friend, the information also provided regarding how many discount your friend will get and how many points or balance you will have
  1. Share the link through your preferred channel, in this case we use messaging
  1. Pick your relative(s) contact, then you will get reward after the purchased
    1. Notion image
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