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Registration Form - QnA

Do you have questions regarding the Registration Form?

Q: Could we increase add more questions to our registration form? And Could that question be set as optional?

A: Yes, we could do that!

Q: How many questions we could place on the registration form? Do we have a limit for questions?

A: There is no maximum number of questions. However, we recommend you to put not so many questions since it could make a longer flow for members.

Q: Apakah registrasi form dapat ditambah pertanyaan dan pertanyaan dibuat tidak mandatory?

A: Ya, bisa diset demikian.

Q: Berapa maksimal pertanyaan untuk registration form?

A: Tidak ada maksimal untuk jumlah pertanyaan. Namun, kami merekomendasikan untuk tidak terlalu banyak pertanyaan, dikarenakan akan memperpanjang flow untuk member.

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