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Whatsapp Business Registration - QnA

You have questions regarding Whatsapp Business Registration?

Q1: We’re in a hurry, can we use Tada Sender ID for our Whatsapp and change it to our own Sender ID later?

A1: Yes you can. Just info our Client Representative/Project Manager to change it.

Q2: How can we process the Facebook BMID from the Use Case?


  • For use case approval there are two steps that need to be done from the client’s end. Client would have received the jewel notification on FB page, please inform them to approve it and also complete the business verification step.
  • FB Business Verification Steps: Open Facebook Page-> Business Info -> right side - Business verification status – Verified or Unverified – If Unverified, click view details and proceed with verification process Follow the instruction for FB BMID Verification from Facebook:

Q3: Which mobile number can we register for the Whatsapp Business?


  1. For fresh sim card:
      • Register the simcard to the operator (follow the steps given by each operator)
      • Do not register the number into ANY apps or WhatsApp Mobile app
      • Put it on standby mode (once WhatsApp is approved, then we will send the OTP to that mobile number)
      • Please keep maintaining the active period of the simcard (critical)
  1. For used simcard/existing
      • Backup your WhatsApp mobile chats on apps
      • Deactivate your account on WhatsApp mobile app
      • Put it on standby mode (once WhatsApp is approved, then we will send the OTP to that mobile number)
      • Mobile number cannot be registered again into WhatsApp apps.
      • Please keep maintaining the active period of the simcard (critical)
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