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Add New Category and Menu For Dine-in and Delivery

You can add new menus and categorize them as you wish!

It is easy to create a new menu or new category for your menu, you can customize your menu and organize them in the way that you want! It is so simple just follow the following steps:

  1. Open our powerful Dashboard
  1. Go to the “Dine in and Delivery” menu and go to the “Menu” submenu
  1. To create a new category just click “Add New Category” and simply name the new category
  1. To create a new menu just click “Add New Menu” and fill in all of the information needed to be related to the menu including the image and store availability
  1. Then click “Save”
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Now there’s an additional function for setting up your dine-in and delivery menu! You can set the menu to only be available during a certain period of time. Simply turn on the "limit fulfillment period" toggle while creating or editing a menu and set the time period. Now your customers can still order this menu, don't worry! But they will be asked to choose the Delivery Later method during the fulfillment period that you have set

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And this is what it looks like when a customer is ordering a menu that has fulfillment period

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