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Bulk Top Up

Bulk Top Up your members account using phone number through dashboard never been this easy!

You do not have to do it one by one anymore, imagine if you have thousands of customer! Now you can do it together, it is much easier with Bulk Top Up! In this case it is using the customer phone number from our powerful dashboard! It is as simple as these following steps, whops we will also provide you a video about it, please find it below:

  1. Open TADA Dashboard
  1. Select “By Phone Number” under the “Bulk Top Up” menu.
  1. Fill in every information needed. You can even set different expiry date for each point transaction simply by filling in the “Reward Expiry Date” column in the file template
  1. After everything has been set, click on the “Save” button to finalize the top up.

Here is the video from our expert explaining how to do the bulk top up through our dashboard and you will know how easy it is. Check the video below.


Want to add your members in bulk? Now you can do so from our Dashboard by using the bulk top-up menu! The steps are the same, you just have to leave the transaction amount column blank. After you successfully upload it, the customers will have the membership cards


Now our bulk top-up feature is available using emails! However, this feature can only be used for merchants who use email as the primary identifier. Merchants who are using phone numbers as the primary identifier can do bulk top-ups using the customer's phone number or card number.

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