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Dashboard Membership Summary

All information about your member is available here! Know and Identify your members in a click!

You could review and check all of your members information in here! You could check number of members you have, member growth, age, performance, list of your members that you can monitor with a filter, and many other informations that also you could use to engage them more by creating specific loyalty program based on their behaviour. You can also check the video below showing our membership summary menu in our powerful dashboard as a demo!

Membership Summary

Membership Summary provides information on total members, total revenue from members, and average spendings made by members.

Member Growth

Member Growth feature provides a graph of the membership growth of a specific merchant from a specific period of time. The graph can be filtered to show the membership growth on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Member Gender

Member Gender feature provides information on the number of female members, the number of male members, the number of members not having provided their gender data, and the total number of the members.

Member Age

Member Age feature provides information on the members’ age ranges in the form of a bar chart.

Member Ranked by Performance

Members Ranked by Performance segment provides information about the highest performance from members, including information on the members names, the number of topup counts, amount of total topups, number of redemption counts, amount of total redemptions, and the amount of total transactions.

Membership List

Membership List displays the full information on each member in a specific merchant.

Membership Data Filter

Membership Data Filter provides a feature that allows the user to filter the membership list based on specific criterias, such as phone number, customer name, email, card number, registration date, activation date, birthday, age, activation source, last transaction, sherlock score, gender, status member, program name, and top member spending.

Membership Data

Membership Data feature provides detailed information on the members of a specific merchant. In-depth information on each member can be found by clicking on the Card Number on the membership data list. The following information can be found in the Membership Detail section.

  1. The Sherlock score is the score calculated based on your member activities (Recency, Frequency, Monetary and Advocacy). With this score you can measure the value of your member. The higher the better they are.
  1. Churn Risk will show you the likeliness of your customer to leave your brand. Keep the value as low as possible.

Check our video below for further information and real look regarding the member summary list menu in our powerful dashboard!

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