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How to Edit Your Member’s Data

Member requests to change their data? Learn how to here!

If you don’t want your members to change their data from the settings, you can set the data to be locked so members cannot edit them. But what if members want to change? Or maybe they inputted the wrong information? Worry not! Now they can request to change the data to your team and you can change them from the Dashboard. So all changes in members’ data go through your approval and will be done by you as well.


Here’s how you can change members’ data:

  1. Go to Tada Dashboard
  1. Go to Members > Membership List
  1. Find the member you want to change the data
  1. Click on it to see member info
  1. Click the edit button on the top right
  1. Edit the necessary information
  1. Click save and done!
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You can keep track of any changes to the customer data from the History Log. The system will record who made the changes, when the changes were made, what data was changed, and the before and after data change!

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Now you can also add special notes as additional customer data in Edit Member Data menu. The note is specific for each member and won’t be displayed to customers. These notes will be readily available in your member list report, offering a streamlined way to identify and understand your customers internally. Simply click on the “Add New Additional Data” at the bottom and fill in the label and value.

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