Check and manage your members submission through dashboard! After setting up a campaign, then you can check any submission. You are able to filter the submission based on date, check in detail whats inside the submission, submission date, member details, status, and others. It is just as simple as these following steps, other than that we also provide you a video of our expert explaining this feature, please find it below:
- Open our powerful TADA Dashboard
- Select the “Privileges Submission” menu.
- Filter the data that you want to see by filling in the submission filter.
- The submission data based on the applied filter will be displayed as a table below the “Privileges Submission Filter” section. Click on the Privilege data to redirect into the submission details and manage the submission status.
Here are the video of our expert explaining how can you manage your member submission through our dashboard, please find the video below.
Customers submitted wrong answers? Don't worry, you can change the survey privilege answers that have been submitted by customers. In addition, you can add notes for each submission that will be approved or rejected. Here’s how:
- Click on the submission detail
- Click on the “Edit Submission button”
- Edit the answers you want to and click save
- You can also add note for the submission

We also have a new reward setting so now you can customize rewards for each submission! Previously, we could only set static rewards for survey privileges. This means that each customer who fills out the survey will get the same reward. But now we have a new feature so each survey submission by members can have different rewards. Instead of setting the reward while creating the survey, Brands can set the reward options for each submission from the Dashboard before approving/rejecting the submission. So each customer can have different rewards for the same survey.
Here’s how you can set the reward for this type of privilege:
- Go to Dashboard
- Go to Privileges Submission
- Choose the submission you want and click on the submission ID to see the details
- Scroll down and enable the “Give Rewards” toggle
- Set the rewards that you wish, it can be points, e-Voucher, or both. You can also add as many as you like
- After you’re done setting the rewards, click approve and type in the reason and that’s it!